Telia Lietuva Combine Risk and Security with Customer Ops and Business Transformation


Following the successful merger of different communication and information technologies, Telia Lietuva continues its business consolidation strategy and its quest to improve customer experience, combining business transformation, customers operations, risk management and security activities.

On Thursday, the Board of Telia Lietuva approved new governing structure where Competitive Customer Operation and Risk units are merged into a new Operational Excellence unit. From 15 December 2017, it will be led by Vytautas Bučinskas, who until now was responsible for the Company’s risk management. Andrius Byčkovas, Head of Competitive Customer Operations, will act as consultant at Operational Excellence unit until 12 January 2018.

“We are moving to another model of more efficient business creation, a model that will involve improvements in all fundamental activities – customer operations, processes, revenue assurance and management of all risks in general. One of the most important indicator of our successful operations is the continuous increase in our customers’ satisfaction, therefore we’ve made the decision to improve our consumer and businesses experience through digitalisation of processes”, said Kęstutis Šliužas, CEO of Telia Lietuva.

V. Bučinskas, the appointed Head of Operational Excellence, stressed that a new structure will enable to manage business processes more simply and faster. “We have a clear goal – to improve customer experience by employing the potential of the latest technologies and transformation, and without digitalisation it is not achievable.”

Having worked in various units of the Company (earlier known as Teo LT, AB) since 1995, V. Bučinskas has accumulated a vast experience in risk management, cyber security, technology, customer operations, quality as well as process management and sales.

At the beginning of August, Telia Lietuva announced that it would concentrate corporate communication, brand and marketing competences into a new single unit.

         Audrius Stasiulaitis,
tel. +370 5 236 7019


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